Monday, 20 December 2010

Pots and Pans

Pots and pans are cookware utlised in the kitchen. Pots ad pans are nowadays made from metal as some forms are excellent material for conducting heat to allow cooking to take place. Another reason for the use of metals is that they do not disintegrate in any way and provide a steady environment for cooking to take place. Furthermore, the elements contained within the metal do not mix to change the natural taste of the food cooked within the vessel.

The popular metals used for pots and pans are amoung others copper, aluminium, iron and stainless steel. They possess excellent properties to enable cooking while meeting the criteria above.

Metals such as aluminium and stainless steel in comparison to copper and iron are new metals. They have only started to become popular for use as cookware in the last few decades.

The attraction of aluminium is that is lightweight and very shiny. It is pleasing to the eye and most importantly has excellent heat conduction properties. Stainless steel  is an alloy metal that consist of numerous metals with iron the highest constituent.

Pots and Pans come in all manner of shapes and sizes. In the kitchen, these are one of the most important items to allow cooking to take place. Widely available and because of the importance, nearly all homes own these items.

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